Sōke (宗 家) - according to the Japanese meaning, the term Soke means the head of the house, director, or grandmaster. In addition to the meaning in the original Japanese language, the term soke in English can also be translated as master of style or school leader, the term soke is not limited to the field of martial arts. According to some interpretations, the term juice is misused as the founder of the style, so the use of the term juice is controversial in the martial arts community, traditionally used very little in Japan and used in very old martial arts.

Shihan - according to the Japanese meaning, the term Shihan means the teacher of our teachers or an honorary title for masters who have been active teachers of karate-do for a very long time. Many martial arts organizations prescribe certain conditions for achieving this title, and one of the common rules prescribed by martial arts organizations is that this honorary title can be awarded to someone acting as a karate teacher for a long time. In addition to the above, acquiring the title of Shihan in some countries is largely unclear, such as in Japan in the judo organization Aikikai, the Japanese instructor becomes Shihan on the 6th day, and in some organizations, there are no conditions (black belt) for this honorary title. the title of Shihan has a subjective side and can be awarded in various ways.

Sensei - according to the Japanese meaning, the term Sensei means a karate doa teacher and a teacher in general in Japan. The meaning transferred in our language the meaning of the term Sensei can be translated as a coach, however, this could be interpreted in several ways one of the interpretations of the term Sensei is a martial arts coach and is "intended" exclusively for martial arts.

Senpai (() - according to the Japanese meaning, the term Senpai means assistant teacher or the oldest student in the dojo, the first in experience, reputation, knowledge, and skills after Sensei. Senpai, as his significance is, has an obligation and is responsible for maintaining the atmosphere in the club and conducting training, especially when Sensei is absent.

Deshi - according to the Japanese meaning, the term Deshi means a karate student.

Karateka (空手 家) - according to the Japanese meaning, the term Karateka means a karate practitioner, one who trains karate.